Breath work

In daily life we often breathe unconsciously and limited. This manifests itself in physical, mental or emotional complaints. By breathing consciously, deeply and fully, we can bring things that got stuck in our body back into motion, let our life energy flow more and more and experience a bigger sense of freedom. It takes courage and perseverance to consciously breathe through everything that presents itself (during a breathing session). As breathing coach, I invite you under my guidance, to step into this process and say “yes” to everything that presents itself to you.

Individual coaching

A first breathing session takes about 1.5 to 2 hours. (Follow-up sessions about 1 to 1.5 hour.) After an intake in which I will ask about your (daily) life and what needs your attention at the moment, you will do a short warming-up before you will be breathing actively, conciously and connected for half an hour. During this transforming breathing technique the pauses between inhalation and exhalation are removed. This active breathing will be followed by 10 to 15 minutes of relaxation in which integration takes place.

The breathing session works on three conscious levels: physical, mental/emotional and spiritual. You can experience different things during the breathing session. Thoughts and emotions can arise, cramps can occur, you can experience physical sensations, and sometimes little seems to be happening. All of these things are old and stored in the body and come to the surface through this way of breathing.

During the active breathing, I support you in a way that your body / system can open more. I do this by guiding you with my voice, touch, or I will ask you to move your body for example. Afterwards there is time to share about your experience and discuss what you could do at home.

About me

Photo: Lotte Dale

Ista Boszhard holds two Bachelors (Fashion Design and Cultural Sciences) and a Master of Arts. An impactful shiatsu treatment in 2012 connected her (again) with the wisdom and self-healing ability of her body. From that moment on Ista followed various training courses in the field of breath and body work, tantra, awareness and transformation. She taught elemental yoga, based on the five elements and the meridian system coming from Traditional Chinese Medicine.

After finishing the breathing coach training in May 2021, she works as a coach and invites people to experience what relaxed, conscious breathing can do and what happens if we say “yes” to all our experiences; no matter if those are beautiful, sad, scary, loving, painful or uncomfortable.

Ista is also co-founder of Waag’s TextileLab Amsterdam. Where she and her passionate colleagues are committed to change in the clothing and textile industry.

“Ista is a loving breathing coach. She invites me to go inside. Where I sometimes still want to escape this dance, I also feel a greater desire to grow out of this. Her presence is supportive when I look at the things I wanted to avoid. Because of the safe space she creates, I feel that all emotions I experience are welcome. After the breathing session I feel a deeper connection with myself. Thank you” Dinja

“I have experienced the session as very special. A rollercoaster of emotions, feelings and physical tension. What really reassured me was the way of coaching/guiding. I felt safe and at ease. That afternoon and evening after the session I was very calm, full of love, self-love. In the moment.” Rens

“I have had the pleasure of being guided by Ista several breathing sessions. I was new to these breathing techniques and I did not know what to expect. Each time Ista made me feel very comfortable and created a safe and open space for my body and mind to freely express emotions and feelings. She guided me in a both spiritual and therapeutic way. Each session was an incredible way of deepening my experiences, and the process showed me realisations on both mental and tactile/physical level.

What surprised me the most was learning what my body was capable of feeling, manifesting, storing, releasing and how the feelings that I had during each session, stayed with me for a couple of days afterwards.” Margherita

Book a session

Book the session directly online here.
Or send an e-mail to mail [@] or a message to 06 41 88 22 40

The individual breathing session are in the Avond vol Aandacht studio in Amsterdam-Oost, Commelinstraat 47 sous (close-by the Tropenmuseum).

Prices in 2024:
* Individual breathing session €115,-
* Strip card 5 individual sessions €520,-
(person bound, valid for a year)
* Duo session €195,-

Prices including VAT for private persons, excluding VAT for companies.

Read the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Statement here.

*If you suffer from epilepsy, glaucoma, a concussion, heart problems, psychological problems now or in the past or if you are pregnant, please contact me before. Then we can discuss if breath work is suitable for you right now.